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  • Ardealite Slurry Valve Design

    Abstract:Introducing ardealite slurry's characteristic,ardealite slurry valve's design,design calculation,main technical parameter,working principle and structural features.

  • New 225TV AWWA C515 ductile iron tapping valve

    lomatic® Valves is pleased to announce the new American Iron and Steel (AIS) compliant Air and Vacuum MAXIAIR® model is now available.

  • Check Valve

    A check valve, non-return valve, reflux valve, retention valve, foot valve, or one-way valve is a valve that normally allows fluid (liquid or gas) to flow through it in only one direction.[1]

  • Ball Valve

    A ball valve is a flow control device which uses a hollow, perforated and pivoting ball to control liquid flowing through it.

  • Expansion joint

    An expansion joint, or movement joint, is an assembly designed to hold parts together while safely absorbing temperature-induced expansion and contraction of building materials, and vibration